'Zeppelin' is a word spelled how it sounds and I still struggle to spell it. Regardless, here are Led Zeppelin's top 3 lyrics. "I'VE REALLY BEEN THE BEST... ...THE BEST OF FOOLS." This lyric is from Since I've been loving you. This is what flim-flam artists and comedy geniuses call a ' bait and switch'. Our man (probably Robert Plant) lures you in with a moment of self affirmation, before hitting you with the best of fools. Thus making a fool of the listener. The lyric work on multiple levels. Or 2 levels at the very least. BONUS THING TO TRY: Sing 'best of fools' in the tune of 'best of you by Foo Fighters' and you've got yourself a real mega mashup of 2 well-known rock songs. "WE'RE GONNA GO. WALKIN' THROUGH THE PARK. EVERYDAY." This lyric is from Babe I'm gonna leave you. The strength of this line is in its specificity, further consolidated by the fact that I used to walk through a park every day...